The Wedding Party: The Ladies

I know eight seems like a lot of bridesmaids (and it is!!), but these are the women that know me inside and out and have stood by me through the years…and probably doubted they’d ever see me with Mr. Right! As I wrote these little blurbs, I was reminded of God’s sovereignty in arranging these friendships—truly many of these relationships would have never begun without divine intervention. I’ve been in many of their weddings and it’s an honor to have them stand beside me during mine.
Maria Watson aka "Marunkle", "Runkie", "Runkles"
Maria may be my younger sister, but she has always been an old soul.  She’s got a poise and wisdom that I’ve always admired, and she’s as trustworthy and loyal as they come.  And when she laughs, she completely loses control of her limbs, which I find endlessly entertaining! It’s exciting watching our friendship deepen as we grow older and share more of life together. I am so blessed to have Runkles as a sister, friend, AND Maid of Honor--and fortunately for me, she’s only a 4-hour bus ride away :)
Anna Thiele aka "Anna Richey", "Anna #1", "ART"
I’ve known Anna since I moved to Foxland Hall at age 14, a new freshman at Brentwood High School. We were neighbors and carpool buddies, but quickly became good friends.  Anna has always had a creative spirit and a love of adventure—traits that quickly drew us together and have kept our friendship alive for years. She’s always up for anything and has come to visit me in whatever city/country I happen to be living.  And recently, she managed to teach me how to use a curling iron—no small feat!
Beth Hendrickson aka "B", "Belle Squeaks"
I was super-intimidated of Beth when I met her our freshman year at Grove City College.  I thought she was way too pretty, too cool, and too smart to ever be my friend! Somehow we ended up best friends and roommates and shared many a travel adventure: to Portugal, Jamaica, and France, and—post college—to visit each other in Pittsburgh and NYC. Beth and I have always shared a love of literature and writing, of good food and good conversation, and she’s always encouraged me to keep dreaming.  I am grateful for her wisdom and friendship (and wicked sense of humor)!
Brooke Carl Doorlag aka "Pinky",  "Mouse", "I want steak!"
I first met Brooke a few weeks after Brandon and I started dating…when she moved in with him for 5 weeks! Admittedly, I was a bit nervous by the thought of B’s sister staying so long, but once I met Brooke, I adored her. It was so fun getting to know her in NYC—with girly movie nights, cooking dates, outdoor concerts, dinner parties, shopping trips, cupcakes in Madison Square Park—I felt like I had gained a new friend right away!  I am so excited for her upcoming wedding (July 17) and to have her as my new sister :)
Jenny Watkins aka "Barbie #1"
Jenny and I met as 8-year-olds in Sunday school class, when my mom encouraged me to “go talk to the new girl.” I didn’t want to talk to her, but mom insisted, and I’m glad she did—a lifelong friendship was born! Jenny has seen me through ALL my awkward stages—from braces and acne and middle school crushes, to elastic-waist corduroy pants and crimped hair—through all manner of relationship flops (a certain Atlanta boy comes to mind), and through the myriad of adventures we’ve both encountered along the way (many of which happen to be in Clearwater, FL).  Jenny’s laughter is infectious and she’s the one I call when I need a dose of humor in a stressful situation. After 22 years of friendship, Jenny is like a sister to me—I can’t imagine life without her!!
Jessica Minhas aka "Celebrated Actress", "B-Shoog", "Minhas"
My friendship with Jess was completely divine intervention—ask me sometime and I’ll tell you the story.  Jess and I first bonded over a Human Rights Watch seminar and a sushi dinner (“our first date” as she likes to refer to it!). I knew from the moment I met her that Jess was a kindred spirit.  She has such a passion for life and longs to make a difference in the world. Jess is beautiful, dynamic, and a total visionary—every time we hang out I leave inspired.  And, I must add, she is the matchmaker responsible for Brandon and me :) Well done!!
Julia Currie aka "Jules"
I met Julia in Aix-en-Provence over coffee, via an email introduction from a friend of a friend.  A friendship was immediately born, fostered by our love of France—the language, the culture, the people, and especially the food :) We soaked up our time in Aix and then hatched a plan to move to Paris together in the fall (it worked)!  Some of my fondest times in France were spent with Julia, and it’s such a blessing to have a friend to share those memories with. Thankfully, she’s just an hour away in CT, and every time I visit, I come away amazed at how beautifully Julia manages to juggle two little girls, a husband, and a teaching job, with homemade Madeleines baking in the oven!  I have lots to learn…
Katherine Gustafson aka "KT", "Katisha", "Katie G"
Funny enough, Katie and I were kind of “set up” by our moms.  When the Gustafsons moved to Nashville, our moms became fast friends and they decided we should be friends as well!  It took a few years, but it eventually worked and now Katie is one of my very dearest friends.  My Nashville sidekick, Katie and I were the queens of long runs, dinner parties, and long talks on the stoop of the Hayes St. apartment (I’m pretty sure we solved the world’s problems a few times out there).  She’s also been my travel buddy—in NYC, Paris, Burgundy, Rome, Cinque Terre—and loves a terrace and a glass of bubbly as much as I do.